Dave - Your Host


Hi, I'm Dave your host

I've been into rock music ever since I bought my first rock album back in 1970 - that was Black Sabbath's debut album. I was 15 at the time and not long left school to start work. Not only that, but I had to save hard for several weeks to buy the album, but it was well worth it, and that set me on the path to truly enjoying all the wonders of rock music.

The first rock band I saw in concert was Deep Purple on their 'Fireball' tour - the ticket cost me 13/6d, that's 65p in UK currency today; it was a bargain. Brilliant concert, superb band, and they inspired me to see even more bands. I've lost count how many I've seen, how many times I've seen the same band many times over, and bands I'd still love to see.

Rock music is truly in my soul, in every fibre of my being, and I love it! Many people think rock music is brash and unsophisticated, but I would say to those who think this, that rock musicians are the best in the world and can deliver more than just loud music. Some of the best emotive ballads have come from rock bands, they can literally turn their hand to anything and make it special.

I'll be 70 years old this year (2024) but my heart and soul are still that of the 15 year-old who was mesmerised and captivated by Black Sabbath, so if you want to blame someone for this site coming into being, blame them, lol.

I love rock music, will always love rock music above and beyond any other genre - it has a life, soul and spirit of its own, like no other. Enjoy the site and I look forward to interacting with you all - so, please take a moment to register and share your love and passion for rock music.

Start your own topic with your name first and shake hands with your fellow rockers.
