Why Register?


Why Not? It's easy, simple, secure and allows you to use the features of the site. Instead of being outside looking in, you can be on the inside interacting and adding your own content to bridge the gap to link up with like-minded rock fans.

We host on Europe's largest hosting company on secure servers protected by layers of different techniques to keep you and your data safe.

We also use the leading forum software that is used by many well-known and large companies (see below).


You have full control over your member's account to streamline it to your own personal requirements, allowing only what you want others to see and how they interact with you.

The only thing we need from you is a valid email address, and this will only be used by the system to inform you of what you choose to be informed on. You can also activate 2FA to add even more security to your membership account. We will NEVER sell or give your email address to anyone, period. We also do not bombard you with adverts, we have a zero advert site. So, come on in, the water's fine and we would enjoy your company. See you soon!
